Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If a loved one was terminally ill and they asked you to help them die ;would you?

euthenasia is against the law but could you do it;think of it this way ,a moments fear or months or even years of suffering......could you ,would you do it?If a loved one was terminally ill and they asked you to help them die ;would you?
i would !!!

i don`t know why it`s not legalised anyway!! dogs and cat`s get put down when they are suffering, human`s should be allowed the same treatment.

it is unfair on the person and loved ones to go through the pain and suffering.

xxxIf a loved one was terminally ill and they asked you to help them die ;would you?
Yes, definitely.
Yes I would do it. . .if that was their wish.
I might want to but I don't think I would be able to do it.
I WOULD NOT GIVE IT A SECOND THOUGHT as long as the person was sane
I could not do that but I could pray to God to take that person into his arms and carry her/him to heaven.
Simply YES
No, I wouldn't. I refuse to take the life of another.
If it was as simple as turning off a valve or switch, maybe I could..
Yes, I'd do it....
yes i would.
The law, and Right and wrong are seldom the same thing. I'd pull the plug quickly based on the golden rule.
I wouldnt think twice about it , if it was a member of my family then i would do it because i now thay would do it for me.
I don't want to be in that situation but as we don't chose the worst in our lives so I will do it... and I hope to have a friend who will do the same for me if it is the case
id have no hesitation if my loved one asked me to help
Wow, what a deep question! I really don't have a good answer. I haven't been in that situation and don't want to be but if I was, I would weigh everything before making such a huge decision. Whoa, tough question.

Stumped on that one.

Sandy :O)
Yes even though its so hard mentally to do, you would have to respect their wishes. I think its a shame that people have to fly to Switzerland to do this and on their return to the England airports, get arrested for manslaughter/murder. This country should sit up and take note of what other countries do.
if i love them that mush i would cause it would kill me to see them hurt that mush
Yes, many, many years ago my mum wanted away. She would have liked some to help her then there are others in similar situations
I might even go with them.
No-- because only god decides that. Just try to make the person feel loved and provide as much comfort as you can, spend time with him/her. Pray for god to ease the pain %26amp; suffering. I'm sure you think maybe you should or could but please don't. I'll pray for you and the person suffering. GOD BLESS YOU %26amp; HAVE A GOOD DAY .
Yes, without any hesitation...............
God gives us life, and it's not up to me to take life. No, I could not do it. I would pray, pray, pray
Yes I would help them die. I think we keep people living just because we can rather than because we should. Medicine has advanced enough to keep people alive without offering a cure and this can create appalling situations. My friend was in a coma for 2 years before they agreed to switch off life support. Her husband and children were under great stress and could not go on with their lives. We knew that if she came out of coma she would be paraplegic and have severe learning difficulties. She had prepared a living will but unfortunately had not signed it before her accident so they resuscitated her. A clear case of a doctor proving he could do something rather than allowing her to die with dignity.
yes i do if you love them dearly theyll you back!!!
Yes in theory but doubt if I could kill a loved one when it came to it. I would want to keep them as long as possible and would be too scared of getting caught or having to live with the knowledge of what I had done.
honestly since i am a catholic i was taught not to act upon euthenasia and i agree with the catholic church because i think everyone should get to live full lives and die naturally.
God Bless U n ur terminally ill friend or relative ... =)
Yes. I saw my grandmother die of liver cancer and it was very painful. I was only 15 at the time, but I would have helped her. She had so much morphine that she could've simply overdosed, but my mom had to give it to her because she was incapacitated...
its not something i would ever have contemplated until i nursed my dad thru terminal cancer and had him begging me to let him die. he didnt want to take morphine cos he thought it was keeping him alive. i can understand why someone would do it -but not sure i could myself- when u see someone u love suffering so much.

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