All children, in all circumstances are a reflection of their parents.
Bad parenting leads to bad children....period.
It is not society or media or institutions or peers that are responsible.Whom would you blame for the modern youngsters' ill manners - parents peers institutes media society ?
The filthy little ungrateful children. The parents are innocent I tell you!!Whom would you blame for the modern youngsters' ill manners - parents peers institutes media society ?
Parents. If a bad influence was coming from another source, the parents would be able to guide the child into understanding that that was not a source to be relied upon.
Case in point--last weekend I saw a couple with four kids in the restaurant where I work. I noticed the kid immediately because they were shrieking demands at their parents, which they continued to do the entire time they were in the restaurant. They also ran around the tables. The parents looked very stressed and harried and I thought it was because of having such an out-of-control brood. But then I noticed the parents' behavior. I asked for the father's order and he only gave me a partial one. I waited for him to continue, but instead he barked at me, ';What's your question?!'; so I asked him again what he would like. A little later, the mother was standing in the aisle talking with a friend. A gentleman tried to pass her. He said, ';Excuse me'; several times, and even once tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and looked at him, then turned back to her conversation and ignored him as he tried to edge past her (nice of him; I would have just bulldozed her over).
Lesson learned: barbaric hellish children come from barbaric hellish parents.
all of the above!
my half sister has 2 girls one is a straight A student the other is a deviant trouble maker!
they are only 2 years apart! their upbringing was the same their mother isn't the greatest mother the smart one raised her self for the most part! she is older then her troulbed sister...
as for myself my mom wasn't really there 100% she was there if i really needed to talk however she perfured her friends over me so I watched tv and raised myself!
i was far from a straight a student but my mom did give me the moral of love -- there for when or prior to me getting into what little trouble i did get into i would ask myself would this make my mom upset - if i said yes i didn't do it! no media no friends nothing would make me change my mind!
I'm stubburn like that!
However i feel if i had more displine i wouldn't have some troubles i face today as i start my family!
so it has to be a mixture of all the above!
it all starts with the parents, these other issues would not arise if the parents monitored the things their children were doing.
however the media and society does not ease the situation, so to some extent they are responsible as well. these children are not developing good role models, beginning with sponge bob and growing to the thug on grand theft auto.
these things desensitize our children and when parents finally step up to the plate and not allow their children access to these things it may get better.
parents are a big factor, but they are not the ones that spend the most time with their children. many kids spend most of their time with friends or being influenced by media in some way (ie. watching tv, reading magazines, going online, reading books). personally, i think it's not any one of these factors alone but an interaction of them. it's complicated.
As a parent its up to us to instill the values that we want our children to have, and one of the first ones is consideration for others. Manners are a very large part of that, when I go to parent teacher's meetings one of the things that everyone has said bout my girls is the they are very well mannered and that it's a pleasure to have them in class. Unless a child has been diagnosed with a learning disability that makes them have behavioral problems there is no reason for children to have bad manners unless the parent has bad manners. Children look at what we do more than listen to what we say and if we're doing something other than what we're saying they fallow what we do.
I blame their parents. Parents are children's first teacher's If they are allowed to have bad manners at home they will take everywhere with them.
Their parents.
Parents. Children learn what they are taught and what is expected of them. My children are respectful and polite because my husband and I are and we expect nothing less from our children.
It starts with the parents. However, since we live in a proverbial ';Twilight Zone'; world these days, thanks to bleeping PC, people are afraid of everyone and everything. Parents can't be parents or they're brainwashed and kids run amuck. Government, media and social engineers (aka: therapists, psychiatrists), should keep their noses out of parents business and people's lives in general! Let common sense come back. Parents shouldn't be afraid to teach or discipline (within reason) their kids! I heard a child threaten to call the police on his parents, what did they tell him? Here's the phone, go ahead and call the police. They might take me away and they also might take YOU away. Either way, when I get back, you WILL BE IN MORE TROUBLE! Their threat was much more powerful! Kids need to hear those things every now and again. They also need to be TAUGHT correctly, but if parents weren't taught correctly, therein lies the problem(s).
Definitely the parents; but if the foundation hasnt been laid at home, peers and all of the above will be able influence them and make them ill mannered. It drives me nuts!!!
first of all i blame it on the parents, it is their duty to teach there kids to grow up to be productive members of society and to behave properly. Secondly i blame society because you can't even spank your kids anymore with out fear of prison and losing your kids to child services. In my day, you got the crap knocked out of you for misbehaving and you know what, after that you minded your manners or you knew the consequences.
I don't agree that all children are a reflection of their parents. My cousin is a great example of this. He is not a very good person, he drinks and drives (has had several wrecks), stole his parents vehicles before when he was 13!, stole a neighbors lawn mower, .....etc. You get my point. When he got married at 19 and had a kid, he did nothing to help raise the child, doesn't even see him. His Mom and Dad raise him and help the mom take care of him. His Mom and Dad tried everything they could to get him to be a better person. I know that being brought up right can influence you to be a good person; however, I don't think bad kids reflect bad parents. If someone murders someone, was it because of their childhood or the way they were raised? Or is it because that is just the way they are? I am so tired of people blaming what they do on others. It is your own fault if you get in trouble in school, rape someone, murder someone...etc. Just like a man in the news raped a Little girl, he said he was abused as a child. Well, seems to me you would know how it felt and wouldn't do it!! That is what is wrong with the world today, no one will take the blame for their own behavior.
A mix of both. Sometimes even the best parents have children who go astray. And sometimes rotten parents have really good children, so there must be some kind of external influence, such as the media, invovled. However, I think that parenting and a happy childhood is vital.
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