That was pretty bad apparently.Would Jesus have preferred to beak bread with the Pharisees or with the homeless and mentally ill?
Considering the Best Answer and Askers reason: It's really a shame other members spend time giving serious answers. Thanks for just a bit more revelation on why some questions are being asked. Won't spend time again on your questions.
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Would Jesus have preferred to beak bread with the Pharisees or with the homeless and mentally ill?
great question:
the pharisess were the ';hypocrites'; and sons of satan that were also sons of murderers. according to the bible.
Jesus condemned the ';leaven'; of the pharisess.
although I am pretty sure he would be an advocate defender of the mentally ill, i think he would also try rebuke the evil spirits or the influence of evil in any mentally ill person.
the question is bad because it does not give the allowance of a MORE RIGHTEOUS person, either a prophet or a true believer
the thing with the mentally ill ! is that they are easily ';gullable'; and more likely to follow satan as JESUS himself. it all depends on who is manipulating mind control.
but the pharisees were evil. as also the saducees, they didnt even believe in the resurrection as the scriptures testify. So Jesus publicly rebuked their evil ways as hypoccritical
Was Lazarus homeless? Luke 16:20,21. Did the Pharisee's care?
The homeless and the mentally Iill are not False Religion [ rich and show off ], leaders like the Parisee's were, that is why he said, '; Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell, he also describes their hell, their abode for the dead, Matt.23:27-33; Not the one he read in their mind, Luke 16:14-31, living dead belief, that Abraham says does not come from Moses and the prophets.
He spent time with the Pharisees--preaching and teaching. However, He took every opportunity to meet the needs of people--both spiritual and physical/felt needs: feed the hungry, heal the sick, cast out demons, set captives free--conduct His ministry.
I believe from examples He set for followers, His teachings and commands that Jesus would prefer to break bread with the homeless and mentally ill. (We see in scripture that He did. He tended His flock.)
A correction to a previous post.
Pharisees DID believe in a resurrection. That was a distinguishing feature of their sect.
Modern Judaism is derived mainly from the Pharisaic tradition.
Some Pharisees were mentioned by name in the Bible, such as Nicodemus, who was a friend of Jesus. One can infer from that that Jesus found no great fault with that man's behavior or his beliefs.
What Jesus condemned in the Pharisees was an arrogance he saw in some of their leaders.
The Sadducees controlled the Temple. They were the party of the high priests. Jesus definitely had a problem with them, both theologically and as a matter of temple administration. He saw them as corrupt.
It depends on the heart condition, which Jesus could see. But we can see in the scriptures that most Pharisees were Hypocrites so Jesus did not aprove of their ways. That is why he 'broke bread' with the homeless and mentally ill because they had a complete heart before God.
The Jesus of the Gospels is largely a product of the Christian imagination, and as such interacts with other fictionalizied entities like the evil Pharisees of Christian myth. It's political propaganda that's been elevated to unqestionable doctrine.
From what we know of him through scripture, he definitely felt closer to the poor and infirm than he did to the Pharisees, about whom he sometimes spoke disparagingly.
The homeless and mentally ill. ';What so ever you do for these...the least of my breathern, you do for me';
all of them
Jesus is not prejudice never has been and never will be
he would break bread with anyone who let him and greeted him
with open hearts
Interestingly, Jesus does both and I think I'd prefer both as well.
He would prefer to break bread for those who seek him in spirit and truth.
Well the phasises were pretty hawt.. so I'm placing my bet on them. Besides.. they prolly have more wine.
Mate.. what is beak bread?
I think we saw his choice......
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