Saturday, August 21, 2010

Will you share an anecdote about the ills or folly of too much drink?

I'm searching for some tales of drunken mishap. Ideally with a lesson and ideally true.Will you share an anecdote about the ills or folly of too much drink?
I have a lost day, New Years 1979. I was on temporary assignment on Guam, living on a barge in Apra Harbor. I was Petty Officer in charge of the Barge. We had heard about a club having drinks for a dollar. I had 24 dollars, so I had 24 drinks. I remember turning around on the bar stool and looking at the door. I took one step on foot, one on my knees, then one on my face. That's all I can recall.

The story goes that we had three cab rides, two trips to jail, and I walked down Main Street with my pants tied around my neck.

I woke up the next morning in my rack. I had what was left of my clothes wrapped around my legs and I was covered with sand.

I yelled, ';Who threw sand in my rack!';

My buds came by and said, ';Man, you got in your rack just like that.';

I must admit that this episode only slightly deterred my drunkenness. I drank less often, but still got ripped instead of tipsy.

In the 1990s, I was part owner of nightclub. The more I watched drunken foolery the less I admired it and the more shame I felt for my wasted time.

I do have some good booze on the shelf still. But I don't drink it very often.

And Glyph, I do have one bottle as old as us. Come by and we'll uncork him.Will you share an anecdote about the ills or folly of too much drink?
I got drunk at a school field trip. I puked out of the school bus window onto a cadillac. When I arrived back at school, I threw my arm around the principal and asked him if he wanted a beer (I had actually been drinking mixed liqours). He told me that my behavior was going to prevent me from going to the Air Force Academy. I never went to the Academy, but I can't say if it was because of that one incident. True story.
I have been raised, breed, and married the Drunks. which story would like. Death works.


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