Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Presently, who would be feeling ill and might need healing?

I feel ill, and need healing. I need to stay healthy to care for my elderly parent who has been riddled with age related problems. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. Although I pray that her strength improves, and her mind improves and gladness abounds in her heart each and every day she is with me, I pray furthermore that I stay strong, long suffering with patience and peace and joy. I have prayed from time to time that her last days be her best days, and I need to keep faith, and I still ask God's help who is Holy and wise. If by choosing to remain with her forsaking what else may be for me to endeavor I have done other than what God will, please forgive me because my Love if great. My siblings are not here for her when some easily can be, but if I am wrong for loving and helping her, please forgive me. The hours seem dark indeed. I believe that God can move these mountains, but if it be your will that they remain then give me the strength to climb them. Give us the strength to concor them. Our bodies are sick, our minds need to be renewed. We have eyes, but we need to see, let us see out needs fulfilled. Deal with those who have come against us and those still yet to do so, and as we ask forgiveness we ask you God to forgive them. Let no success come to any one, group or thing which would come or be against us. Let not wickedness success to hinder us. Now and forevermore keep us with and in your Holy Spirit God almighty. In Jesus' Name...Presently, who would be feeling ill and might need healing?
I've had the stomach flu since friday, but it's going away and I'm sure there are people that need healing more. For instance, my best friend's father. He just got out of hip replacement surgery, and I'm sure the poor guy is in pain. He's such a good person, he doesn't deserve that.Presently, who would be feeling ill and might need healing?
My Asthma has been terrible...Bring on the healing :)
Me...my tummy feels like someone poked it with a knife and it HURTS.

the prospect of having to go to work this morning makes me feel ill.
Someone with a cold?

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